Our focus, first and foremost, is on managing risk. Why? Because the “buy and hold” strategies that worked in the past have proven inadequate to 21st Century challenges:
From 2000-02 the S&P declined 47%; the NASDAQ declined 78%.
From 2007-09 the S&P declined 56%.
The Fallout: A Lost Decade and More….
For a buy and hold investor it took almost 13 years, from March 2000-January 2013, just to recover what they had lost in these downturns. They would have seriously depleted their portfolio had they taken money out for retirement or emergencies.

Can You Afford to Proceed with Business as Usual?
Can you afford to lose another 50-60% of your nest egg?
Low Risk, Low Volatility Investment Platforms
To answer these concerns, Vested Secured Wealth has affiliated with a registered investment advisor (RIA) Advisor Share Wealth Management (ASWM).

Our process will help you better understand why you own risky investments in the first place. It will also help you find a balance between investments that possess return characteristics (risk on), and investments that possess risk management characteristics (risk off).
The goal is to ride bull markets by participating in upside capture and tame bear markets by minimizing downside capture through building diversified portfolios designed to provide reasonable returns, with reasonable risk, over reasonable time periods.
Our process balances your willingness toward risk with your ability to take risk. In the end, we believe finding the right balance between risk on and risk off strategies, monitoring and adjusting your portfolio on a continuous basis, will leave you feeling safe about your portfolio.

Our philosophy on money management is fairly simple. We want to find the best 3rd party managers we can and use them appropriately when constructing portfolios.
Our portfolios are constructed and overseen by: Joseph Maas, CFA, CFP®, ChFC, CLU®, MSFS, CVA, ABAR, CM&AA, CCIM
Our portfolios are a bit different. Why?
Because when we are talking about asset allocation we are talking about using asset classes like FIAs (Fixed Indexed Annuities), strategies designed by AI (Artificial intelligence), as well as various 3rd party money managers (who all have different styles).
We also have a “white glove” service available to custom design portfolios for clients who need or demand a more hands-on/unique investment offering.
Our Philosophy on Money Management

The Lost Decade Revisited: How We Measure Up
The RIA we work with has a track record to show you how their managers performed- in both stock and bond funds- over full market cycles, and how much better the results can be with proven, tactical management.
Did you share in any part of that “lost decade” we outlined above? Would you like to compare the results of the portfolio managers of the RIA we work with to your own? We invite you to do so. Even if you’ve been working with a trusted advisor, isn’t it prudent to get a second opinion? In these times and these markets, can you afford not to?