The idea of comprehensive planning has been somewhat lost in the era of overspecialization.
Life insurance agents sell life insurance.
Annuity sales people sell annuities.
Financial planners mainly want to invest money in the stock market.
Not only is there typically little coordination between the above listed types of advisors, but many times they are in competition.
If that is the case, then how is it possible for people to receive a comprehensive retirement plan that is in their best interest and one that will guide them to and in retirement? The unfortunate answer is that most people do NOT have a coordinated or comprehensive plan to grow and protect their wealth.

Learning About You
At our firm we pride ourselves in being able to provide truly comprehensive advice to clients.
As you will see by surfing our website, we cover a wide range of topics and are capable of helping clients implement a comprehensive retirement plan.
However, we also know that many people have one or more other trusted advisors who may specialize in one area or another.
Giving clients choices is also part of what we do. There may be several options for each client as no one strategy may completely fit.
While our goal is to be the team leader and provide comprehensive planning, we always welcome the opportunity to work with other advisors so long as the goal is always to put the client’s best interest first. When that happens, all advisors can work together to reach this common goal.
Whether you need help with one issue or whether you would like to put together a comprehensive plan, we are here to help and encourage you to reach out to us for a call or an in-person meeting to discuss your needs.